Emprendimiento 2016

4to Periodo

27.06.2016 11:55
1. Diferentes tipos de empresa: De acuerdo a su forma jurídica: -Unipersonal: Pertenecen a un solo individuo y este debe responder con su patrimonio frente aquellos individuos perjudicados por las acciones de la empresa. -Sociedad colectiva: Empresas cuya propiedad es más de una persona; sus socios...

3er Periodo

26.06.2016 11:36
1. ¿Qué es empresario? Es quien se encarga de dirigir, controlar y supervisar todas las acciones que se llevan a cabo en una empresa. Es quien se ocupa del control estratégico, fija los objetivos de producción y establece los medios más adecuados para alcanzar esos fines y organizar la...


10.04.2016 12:18
1.Sergey Brin:  Is a Russian-born American computer scientist, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Together with Larry Page, he co-founded Google, the world's most valuable public company. According to Forbes List February 2016, he is jointly one of three people listed as...


10.02.2016 08:04
Bank of the republic functions 1.Administration of International Reserves: Administer the country’s international reserves, including management, investment, safekeeping and disposal of reserve assets. looks for security and stability in its investment and endeavours to keep liquid reserves in...


27.01.2016 08:13
Economy: Is the study of the production, consumption, distribution of goods and services and the transfer of weath     Sectors: Primary: Fishing, mining, extracting(quarying), forestry, agriculture, cattle Secondary: Is in charge of the production and distribution of...